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Effective Monday, March 23, 2020, at 11:59pm, the Director of the Ohio Dept. of Health issued a "Stay at Home Order". This Order currently lasts until April 6, 2020, at 11:59pm. The Director's order includes the entire state. Unless you work for an essential business or are doing an essential activity, you should stay home. "The intent of this Order is to ensure that the maximum number of people self-isolate in their places of residence to the maximum extent feasible..."

In reviewing this Order, we recommend that your Association adhere to the following the ensure compliance:

· Always practice social distancing;

· Convert any board meetings within the Order period to telephonic or electronic;

· Reschedule any membership meetings;

· If your Association has on-site facilities, such as a pool, fitness room, or party room, you should very carefully consider whether these should remain open. Your fiduciary duties require you to do what is best for your Association, even if the decision is not popular. Just because the Order does not specifically state you must close your facilities, does not mean, either, that they must remain open.

· If you do leave them open, then you must have hand sanitizer conveniently located in the room, plenty of wipes to clean off the machines before and after use and limit the number in the facility to less than 10 people at once. The facility must be of a size to maintain the 6 feet minimum distance between people. If your Association cannot do any one of these, then you should close the facility.

· If you are self-managed, you may continue to complete deposits with the Association's bank and pay bills, however, avoid person to person contact when exchanging payments.

There have been exceptions to the "Stay at Home Order" for the following vendors, which you may continue to request service of during this time period:

· Housing construction or residential construction;

· Garbage/Waste Management;

· Critical Trades, including plumbers, residential garage door repairmen and electricians;

· Security staff;

· Other jobs that are necessary to maintain the health, safety, sanitation and business operations of a residence (any on-site staff should be limited to those who are necessary to keep any building or association clean and running with proper attention to any mechanical maintenance issues, etc.);

· Real estate and professional services (property management, legal, accounting).

We are available to answer your questions and we continue to service our clients without interruption. Stay safe and healthy.

For the most up-to-date information, please visit the following websites:

CDC Website - Ohio Department of Health Website - CAI Website

**If you are interested in holding a meeting remotely, here is a link from our friend, Jim Slaughter. He is an attorney out of North Carolina; there are differences between Ohio and North Carolina, but we can work through those if in the future you have an interest in exploring this option further.

Remote Meeting or Convention Website

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Ott & Associates Co., LPA

1300 E 9th St, Suite 1520
Cleveland, OH 44114

Ph: 216-771-2600
Fx: 216-830-8939


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