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Methods For Keeping The Peace- Part Ii

This series of articles will contain tips and ways to cope with difficult people in your association.

Open, transparent operation of your association is one of the best ways to contend with a difficult member. Owners who are well informed tend to have less complaints or, if they do complain, the content of the complaint is usually more constructive to the association.

Openness lends itself to more content owners because they can see that things are running smoothly. Encourage those members that are “happy” to attend board meetings. This can help quiet some of the more boisterous complainers if they know that their neighbors are watching.

Documenting everything including meetings, phone calls, and discussions also helps. This way a difficult person will know that their actions will be on record.

More on Community Associations

The Attorneys at Ott & Associates Co., LPA, frequently write and publish legal articles in order to educate clients on continuously changing laws in each practice area.

CTA Update

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Cleveland, OH 44114

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