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Our Clients Ask Us- Association Members Feeding Wildlife

Q: Our association borders a wooded area. It has recently come to our attention that some of the owners along the woods are feeding the deer and other wildlife. One resident has also been feeding stray cats. This is attracting a large number of wild animals to the property, causing a disturbance to the community and damage to the landscaping. Is there anything we can do?

A: YES. While the intentions of these owners may be good, many of the owners do not realize the impact their actions have on the community. First, check your governing documents and rules/regulations for any current rules involving feeding of wildlife. Many associations have rules in place already to curb this behavior. If yours does not, it may be necessary for the Board to use its rule-making authority and draft a rule to curb this behavior.

Send the owner a letter asking them to stop the behavior. Usually this will work, or it will at least open a dialogue. If the behavior continues, follow your documents enforcement procedures, institute a fine, or charge the owner for the property damage. Be careful though, some documents do allow some wildlife feeding in the form of bird feeders. It is important to review and follow your documents carefully before taking actions against an owner.

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1300 E 9th St, Suite 1520
Cleveland, OH 44114

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